Occupational Safety & Health

Basic Concept

Recognizing that the occurrence of occupational accidents has a significant impact on the survival of a company, the entire group conducts business activities with "respect for human life" as the first priority. In particular, in our production divisions, we naturally place the highest priority on safety, and we are developing various occupational accident prevention activities to cultivate a "sense of safety”. In addition, since the key to preventing industrial accidents is to develop safety-sensitive personnel, we invite outside instructors with extremely high expertise in specific fields, such as labor and social security attorneys and occupational safety consultants, to conduct training and continually reinforce learning among our employees. These efforts also cover employees of contractors.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, Yamato Steel formulates a safety and health management plan for the year, and from the perspective of preventing the company from becoming stuck in a rut, each time we present activities that we will focus on to prevent occupational accidents. We always go back to the starting point of "safety first," and the entire company, including subcontractors, is committed to the thorough implementation of 5S ("Seiri" - organizing, "Seiton" - tidying, "Seiso" - cleaning, "Seiketsu" – sanitation and "Shitsuke" - discipline), which is the basis of safety, as well as complying with basic safety rules. We are also working to identify and improve hazardous areas and dangerous work by using risk assessment and KYT (hazard prediction training). To create a safe and secure workplace, we will continue to engage in safety and health activities with the belief that "safety takes precedence over everything else".

Yamato Steel Co., Ltd. FY2024 Safety and Health Management Plan (April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025)

  • Basic policy: "Safety takes precedence over everything else".
    "Yamato SPRIT Manufacturing" We are committed to delivering world-class products with the highest safety standards in mind.
    We will promote safety and health activities in compliance.
  • Slogan: "Keep safe!" "Don't do it, don't let it don't miss it!"
    Promoting the "Keep Safe!" greeting and the "Three Don’ts" campaign to instill a strong belief that "safety takes precedence over everything else".
  • Goals
    [Safety] Challenge to achieve zero occupational accidents
    1. ① Promotion of risk assessment
    2. ② Implement autonomous patrols to eliminate accidents
    3. ③ Improving safety sensitivity through repetitive education
    [Health and hygiene]
    1. ① Disease prevention and early detection (Strengthen cooperation with industrial physicians and health screening organizations)
    2. ② Promotion of voluntary health management
    [Disaster prevention] Raising awareness of disaster prevention
    [Traffic] Improvement of traffic manners (challenge to achieve zero commuting accidents and traffic accidents on site)

<Target for FY2024>

  • More than 180 days without injury
  • Zero lost time injury
  • Zero heat stroke accident
  • Less than 3 minor injuries


Yamato Steel has established the Health and Safety Committee and the Workplace Health and Safety Conference to promote health and safety management. The Health and Safety Policy applies not only to our company but also to our affiliated contractors, and we implement health and safety activities in cooperation with our manufacturing divisions and contractors.

Yamato Steel Health and Safety Management Organization Chart

Prevention of Occupational Accidents

To eliminate occupational accidents, our Group has established a management organization system according to the Industrial Safety and Health Act. We also conduct risk assessments through health patrols and other types of patrols, improve workplace risks, and measure the working environment to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses among employees. To ensure safety at work in our factories, we lend safety shoes, work clothes, and all other items necessary for safe work, and AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are installed at each location.
Concerning the prevention of overwork, the attendance management system was changed in April 2024 to comply with the relevant laws and regulations (Labor Standards Act and Industrial Safety and Health Act), as well as to strengthen labor compliance and accommodate diverse work styles.
In addition, we are working to build a comfortable workplace by conducting health checkups (every April) to protect the physical health of our employees and interviewing industrial physicians in case of physical or mental weakness.

Mental Health Care

In the safety and health management plan formulated at the beginning of each fiscal year, we set a plan for mental health care as one of the priority items to be implemented and introduced a stress check system for all employees to prevent mental health problems by helping employees recognize and cope with their stress and improving the work environment. We have introduced a stress check system for all employees.