Privacy Policy
Yamato Kogyo (“the Company”) strongly recognizes the importance of protecting personal information of customers, business partners , shareholders and the like (“customers, etc.”), and will fulfill the trust and meet the expectations of customers, etc. by appropriately managing and using personal information in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws, regulations, and guidelines, and in accordance with the following policy.
1. Purpose of use for personal information
The Company uses personal information of customers, etc. for the following purposes.
- (1) For the business management of each company of Yamato Kogyo Group
- (2) To execute procedures relating to the rights and obligations of shareholders in accordance with the Companies Act as well as other laws and regulations, and to implement measures to maintain harmonious relationships with shareholders
- (3) To provide investors with an overview of the Company’s business and information on financial results, and to notify them of various information sessions, etc.
- (4) To contact and respond to customers (including potential customers) for operational or business reasons
- (5) To contact and respond to business partners (including potential business partners) for operational or business reasons
- (6) To respond to other inquiries and requests, etc.
- (7) To respond to and contact persons seeking employment at Yamato Kogyo Group
- (8) To identify and contact persons who have retired from Yamato Kogyo Group
- (9) To implement services for employees, etc. of Yamato Kogyo Group such as personnel management, pensions, employment insurance, benefits, and so on.
- (10) To provide other services incidental to (1) to (9) above
2. Security control measures
The Company takes the following measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and to manage it appropriately.
Formulation of basic policy
・To ensure that personal information is handled appropriately, and to establish a contact point for dealing with questions and complaints, the Company has established this basic policy.
Rules for handling personal data
・In relation to the handling of personal data, the Company sets out internal rules and manuals to follow.
Organizational security control measures
・In addition to appointing supervisors for the handling of personal information, the Company manages and audits records of personal information.
Human security control measures
・The Company provides periodic training to employees, etc. on items to consider when handling personal information.
・Confidentiality in relation to personal information has been stated in the employment regulations.
Physical security control measures
・In addition to controlling access to buildings and floors, and storing documents under lock and key, etc., the Company imposes restrictions on taking electronic media outside the premises.
・In cases where equipment, electronic media, etc. containing personal information are, carried, even within the office, the Company takes measures to ensure that personal information cannot be easily become known.
Technical security control measures
・Access control measures are put in place to limit persons who may handle personal information.
・The company takes measures to prevent illicit external access to systems that handle personal information, and to protect them from malware.
Understanding the external environment
・For the handling of personal information overseas, security control measures are to be implemented after periodic gathering of information to facilitate understanding of the personal information control system of the country in question.
3. Provision of personal information to third parties
Except in the following cases, the Company does not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual.
- ・Cases permitted by laws or regulations
- ・Cases where the Company outsources part or all of the handling of personal information to a third party, to the extent required to achieve utilization purposes.
- ・Cases where the Company uses personal information jointly with specific parties, such as subsidiaries or affiliates, to the extent required to achieve the purpose of use.
4. Joint use of personal information
The Company jointly uses the personal information of customers, etc., in the following ways.
- (1) Items of personal data to be used jointly
Personal information such as name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, sex, age, affiliated organization, department, and position
- (2) Scope of persons making joint use of personal information
Yamato Kogyo Group companies
- (3) Purpose of use
Those listed in “1. Purpose of use for personal information”
- (4) Responsible party for the management of personal information to be used jointly
Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd.
380 Kibi, Otsu-ku, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture
Mikio Kobayashi, President
5. Requests for the disclosure, etc. of personal data
When the Company receives a request from a person or their representative to disclose personal data or records provided by third parties, it will respond without delay except in situations listed below. If the Company chooses not to disclose or no personal data on the individual in question is held, a response to that effect will be made.
- ・Cases where dangers to the person’s or a third party’s life, body, assets or other interests are anticipated
- ・Cases where a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of the operations of the Company may exists
- ・Cases that are against laws or regulations
In addition, when the Company receives a request from a person or their representative for revisions / additions to, or removal of personal data held, or a request to discontinue the use of that data, or to delete it, or to discontinue its provision to third parties, the Company will respond in accordance with laws and regulations after conducting an investigation.
To ensure the privacy and security of the person in question, the Company may request the submission of materials to verify their identity. It may also request to provide additional information.
Inquiries related to the above should be directed to “6. Contact .”
6. Contact
If you have requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information, or other opinions, questions, or concerns about our handling of personal information, please contact:
Personnel Section, Personnel Department, Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Please select “Inquiry Form” from the above link.
In the form, please select “Other” as the inquiry type, and enter your message.
380 Kibi, Otsu-ku, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture
Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Mikio Kobayashi, President