Human Resource Development

Basic Concept

Our group is a global steel manufacturer with operations ranging from iron refining to the manufacture and sale of steel products in eight countries around the world. We were one of the first steel manufacturers to expand our business globally, and have paved the way for our growth. We are proud to be a manufacturing company and value the spirit of fairness, and we place importance on building fair relationships with markets, partners, business partners, and every employee, both in Japan and around the world.

Medium-term Sustainability Plan "Human Resource Development"

Materiality Item FYE March 2026 FYE March 2025
Medium-term targets* Annual targets*
Human Resource Development Human Resource Development
  • We will facilitate training of our global talent by open communication and regular training updates within the group, and by carrying out job transfers between group companies as well as developing various career paths across groups.
  • We will globally roll out our steel-making technology through introduction of the latest facilities and operational experience, thereby raising technological capabilities and driving DX across the entire group.
    <System Development and Implementation>
  • Establish and enhance the new HR system and various policies, regular reviews will be conducted as needed.
  • Implement specific measures related to human capital management.
  • Ongoing implementation of engagement surveys and reflection in measures.
  • <Improvement of organizational capability>
  • Implement cross-group job rotation.
  • Strengthen recruitment of new graduates and mid-career workers to enhance the workforce.
  • Implement overseas business trip training in collaboration with overseas joint ventures.

* Unless otherwise stated, descriptions under these items target iron and steel products business, which would have the greatest impact on the Yamato Kogyo Group.

Fostering Advanced and Diverse Professional Human Resources

To develop professional human resources for our diverse business fields, we have established an education system that includes on-the-job training in actual operations and training by job level. As a complement to OJT, we have a variety of training programs to acquire various business and management skills, in addition to more advanced business knowledge and expertise. In fiscal 2022, we completely revised the grading system, evaluation system, wage system, education system, and other systems, and introduced a new personnel system in April 2023. The new personnel system is centered on the systematic development and increase in the number of high-level management personnel, high-level professional personnel, and global personnel who are active in overseas offices, who and practice the Group's corporate philosophy, through the establishment of various training programs.

Fostering globally active talent

Our group has a variety of human resource development plans in place to expand our global business.
We are working on initiatives such as training to support the development of skills according to the career stage of employees and increasing educational opportunities for young employees, such as short-term business trips to overseas group companies.

Various Training and Support for Global Human Resource Development

Unofficial training In the training for those who have been offered a job, we lecture them on the basics such as how to be prepared as a member of society and how to proceed with their work. In addition, support systems for learning English through correspondence courses and acquiring qualifications such as bookkeeping, TOEIC, and MOS are also available.
Entry-level training For approximately three weeks, all new employees receive group training to deepen their understanding of the Yamato Kogyo Group and the steel industry. After being assigned to a company within the Group, training and education are provided according to each business.
Elder Education All new employees are assigned a senior employee who will act as an "elder" for one year to support them in everything from work to their new life. We provide feedback on the level of growth and provide guidance that is close to the new employee's growth. We also provide follow-up training and other support to help you through your first year.
Follow-up training In addition to regular group training after joining the company, we are working to enhance our training system in line with the career aspirations and aptitudes of each employee.
For example, if you expect to be active overseas, we will train experts through a variety of educational opportunities, such as language schools, sending students to study abroad, and short-term assignments at overseas offices, as part of our global human resource development.

Training to improve the technical skills of the entire group

To improve the technological capabilities and promote DX (Digital Transformation) of the entire Group, we are constantly sharing and developing information and know-how related to improvements in operations and facilities, new equipment, and technology among Group companies.
Once a year, engineers from each group company gather for a technical conference to exchange information and develop technologies horizontally. By communicating with overseas engineers and stimulating each other to learn, we can maintain world-class technology and achieve high performance.
Nucor-Yamato Steel Company (NYS) in the U.S. and Siam Yamato Steel Co., Ltd. (SYS) in Thailand, which have introduced the latest technologies and equipment, will be reimported to Yamato Steel to promote DX at manufacturing sites.