Environmental Management
Basic Concept
The Yamato Kogyo Group has established company-wide targets and a promotion system to address environmental issues, Yamato Steel Co., Ltd., and Yamato Trackwork System Co., Ltd. have acquired and are operating the ISO 14001 environmental management system, an international standard, to continuously improve environmental management.
Yamato Steel Co., Ltd.
Environmental Policy
◆ Basic Philosophy
We are deeply aware of the importance of protecting the global environment for humanity's survival. We understand the substantial impact of iron and steel manufacturing on the global and local environment and aim to make continuous improvements harmonized with the environment as well as to focus on the prevention of pollution.
◆ Basic Policy
- Environmental protection is a top management priority and we shall actively carry out environmental protection measures.
- We shall explore the environmental aspects of our production, products, and services and look for ways to reduce environmental load.
- All of our employees and related personnel shall protect the environment through continuous improvements of our environmental activities and promoting the prevention of pollution.
(1) Save energy and resources
(2) Promote recycling
(3) Reduce waste
(4) Follow eco-friendly business practices - We shall comply with all environment-related regulations and agreements we accepted.
- In light of environmental impact assessments, we shall establish action plans for achieving environmental targets, continuously improve and reevaluate environmental activities, and set up review frameworks.
Our Group has established an Environmental Subcommittee under the Sustainability Committee chaired by the President of Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd. to set environmental targets, check the status of achievement, and improve the environmental performance of the entire Group.
In particular, issues that are important to management, such as climate change, are discussed at the Management Committee and further reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors discusses and supervises the reported environmental issues. In addition, each group company has appointed a person in charge to promote activities on a corporate basis.
Acquisition of Environmental Certification
All of our domestic and overseas consolidated subsidiaries have acquired ISO 14001 certification, an international certification for environmental management systems, and undergo periodic renewal audits.
<ISO 14001 certified factory scope>
- Yamato Steel Co., Ltd.
- Yamato Trackwork System Co., Ltd.
- Siam Yamato Steel Co., Ltd.
Registered Organization | Range | Acquisition Date | Last Updated |
Yamato Steel | Yamato Steel Head Office | December 21, 2006 | December 21, 2021 |
Yamato Steel Tokyo Branch | |||
Yamato Steel Osaka Branch | |||
Yamato Shoji Co., Ltd. | |||
Yamato Trackwork System | Head Office and Plant | December 15, 2005 | December 15, 2023 |
Masago Plant | |||
Tokyo Branch | |||
Osaka Branch | |||
Kyushu Sales Office | |||
Siam Yamato Steel | September 24, 2004 | February 23, 2021 |
<ISO 14001 Audit Results>
- Yamato Steel, 2023 Surveillance audit – certification maintained.
- Yamato Trackwork System, 2023 Renewal audit – certification renewed.
- Siam Yamato Steel,2023 Surveillance audit – certification maintained.
Initiatives to Maintain and Improve Environmental Management Levels
Our Group strives to improve its management level by conducting internal audits once a year by the Environmental Management Division, management reviews twice a year by the President and Corporate Auditors, and for overseas consolidated subsidiaries, the Environmental Management Division conducts direct interviews and on-site inspections once a year.
In addition, we are subject to an on-site inspection by Himeji City every year as a compliance audit, and we take appropriate measures to deal with hazardous substances and waste in compliance with laws and regulations.

<Compliance audit results>
- On-site water sampling of factory wastewater by Himeji City Environment Policy Office (Feb 2024)
Conducted per Article 26 of the Himeji City Pollution Prevention Ordinance. All results (regular items) are below legal standard values. - On-site inspection by Himeji City Industrial Waste Management Division conducted (Dec 2023)
Conducted per Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing.
Environmental Education
Our Group considers environmental management to be the most important foundation of management, and we continuously provide education on our basic environmental policy and environmental compliance to all levels of employees, from new hires to all ranks.

Environmental Education