Community Contribution

Basic Concept

In the Yamato Kogyo Group Employee Code of Conduct, we state that "As a corporate citizen, we will actively engage in all kinds of social contribution activities, both in Japan and overseas, to create a prosperous society and region". We recognize that incorporating the realization of social fairness, regional contributions, and consideration for the environment into our management is the most fundamental sustainability activity for a company. With "Manufacturing" as the core of our management, we contribute to local communities in Japan and overseas by providing safe and high-quality products, and as an environmentally friendly company that recycles resources, we also focus on environmental conservation in our business activities.

Social Contribution Activities for Community Development

Our Group has a global presence, contributing to the infrastructure of various countries and regions, creating jobs, and contributing to the development of each country. We purchase from local suppliers, taking into consideration the economic rationality of our Group. At the same time, to promote the development of the regions in which we operate, we are taking the following initiatives.

<Next generation development>

  • We support an English presentation contest for local high school students in Hyogo Prefecture, thus contributing to the development of global human resources for the future.
  • To support the development of global human resources, we offer scholarships for international Collaborative Degree established by the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University and Cornell University.
  • We conduct annual plant tours for nearby elementary school students, providing them with an opportunity to learn about the manufacturing industry that supports Japan as part of their social studies education.

English presentation contest support

Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University Scholarship aid

<Sports support>

  • We have a top sponsorship contract in 2018 with Victorina Himeji, a local women’s professional volleyball team based in Himeji City, and aiming for the top of the V-League under the slogan "From Himeji to the World".
  • As a sponsor, we support AS Harima Albion, a women's football club that belong to Japan’s Nadeshiko League and is based in the Harima area of Hyogo Prefecture.

<Education and culture>

  • Efforts to improve education
    As the main sponsor of a charity golf tournament to support scholar ships at Arkansas Northeastern College (ANC), located near Nucor-Yamato Steel, Inc. (NYS) in the U. S., the cumulative amount of donations since 1991 has reached approximately US$530,000 (as of September, 2022). In 1996, we introduced a short-term study abroad program for ANC students in Japan, introducing them to Japanese culture through homestays at the homes of our employees and visits to cultural heritage sites.
  • Protecting and promoting the use of community culture and traditions Sponsorship of autumn festivals and safety rituals in neighboring districts.
    We hold lectures and plant tours at nearby community centers to promote mutual exchange.